English DeepDive Plus
A unique online tool for doing a English deep dive (and more) combined with an engaging workshop and 12 months one-to-one support.
More than a English deep dive for Ofsted readiness.
Covers more than intent, implementation and impact.
Includes a English subject tool and a workshop.

Why English subject leaders love the deep dive tool.
Engaging and easy to use.
The tool's beautifully simple interface is based on a literal abacus with sliding beads. There are no complex menus or confusing dashboards. Reading subject leaders love it.
A trusted, proven approach.
The tool is based on the Abacus model. It guides English subject leaders through a proven process that's help thousands of educators think and plan strategically.
Latest Ofsted and DfE criteria.
The tool is loaded with the latest Ofsted and DfE frameworks, saving English subject leaders time and helping them better understand outstanding provision.
Instant, one-click PDF reports.
The tool automatically converts English evaluations and action plans into clear and concise reports which are perfect for sharing with school leaders and inspectors.
Collaboration built-in.
The tool enables English subject leaders to collaborate with colleagues. It facilitates peer-support, shared evaluations, 360° reviews and team-based action planning.
Much more than a deep dive.
Yes, the tool helps English subject leaders answer Ofsted questions about intent, implementation and impact - but it also looks at wider aspects of reading provision.
English Deep Dive Workshop
In addition to providing the online tool we host a workshop to empower English subject leaders.
Covers a reading 'deep dive' and a wider English self-evaluation and strategic action plan.
Increases confidence in preparation for questions from school or trust leaders and Ofsted inspectors.
Goes beyond the evaluation of curriculum intent, implementation and impact to consider other factors.

Ofsted research reviews
Deep Dive Plus uses criteria from series of reviews by Ofsted looking at the research evidence currently available about different curriculum subjects.
Find out more about the principles behind Ofsted’s research reviews and subject reports.